YouTube Video of Observatory Demonstration
Great YouTube video with an explanation of the observatory courtesy of Ocean City Gazette/shorenewstoday.com.
OC Home Bank Supports our Fundraiser
Once again Ocean City Home Bank is supporting our fundraiser. Thank You, Ocean City Home Bank.
The Full Preview of Late Night Catechism 3
[embedplusvideo height="507" width="640" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/9FKf2KFklac?fs=1" vars="ytid=9FKf2KFklac&width=640&height=507&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep9998" /]
Late Nite Catechism 3 – Our October Fundraiser
Ocean City Education Foundation Presents Saturday, October 13 Ocean City Music Pier 8 p.m. Save the Date! Tickets will be available online soon Watch your email for our announcement
Observatory Progress 6.20.12
Observatory Construction Progress
Check out the progress on the observatory construction as of April 25.
Chris Herren Speaks on April 26
Don't miss Chris Herren's presentation on Thursday, April 26, at 7 p.m. in the high school gym. Chris, a former professional basketball player and motivational speaker, brings his anti-drug message to Ocean City. He will share his story of abuse with the audience in...
Benefit by the Bay, a great success again!
Over 200 guests attended our annual Benefit By the Bay, held this year at Sandi Pointe Coastal Bistro in Somers Point. They enjoyed a great evening of wine and beer tastings along with an abundance of food. The highlight of the evening came when we raffled a 46" flat...
Buy your tickets for Benefit by the Bay
Visit our Benefit by the Bay registration page to purchase your tickets online.
OCEF Announces 2012 Grant Award Winners
The first group of 2012 Grant Award Winners was announced on March 2. We thank everyone who supported our fundraisers for making our grants possible. Congratulations to all staff members! View the entire list.